Question: What is Abe Frohman also known as?
Did you know the answer to this 80’s movie trivia question? Well, if so, you stand a decent chance to win a free Parks and Records tote-bag filled with 5 Rum Diary cds at the C.A.M.P. music festival this weekend in Guerneville, California. You still may want to brush up on your familiarity with Ferris Bueller, Lane Meyer, John Bender, Lewis/Gilbert and the rest of the gang.
Basically, we have some leftover Rum Diary albums that we have accumulated over the years, and have tried to come up with an entertaining way to get them to the people for free. So come take our trivia challenge on Saturday or Sunday.
What else is happening besides tons of other great bands and activities? Well, the Rum Diary has been slaving away, re-learning an hour’s worth of music for your aural pleasure on Saturday night at 8:30pm. Who in the hell is the Rum Diary?
These handsome dudes: